Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring colours....

Check out for more Spring colours and other lovely stuff...


  1. Thank you for your last comment, but I never said that Jesus died on easter. Easter for us catholics is to celebrate his ressurection. I wrote my post on good friday and so I reminded that he died on good friday. And by the way, I know that Jesus was jewish and I also know the meaning of pessach. We christians have our roots in Jewishness... wish you a perfect sunny week, Mira!

  2. Thank you for your reply.
    If you have your roots in Jewishness by having faith in the (Jewish) Messiah, then you should then also LIVE and believe like a true and complete Jew: a person who has circumsized his heart and keep His Law (Torah teachings etc.)Yeshua stated it clear in Matthew 5: 17-18: "Dont think that I've come to do away with the Law or with what the Prophets said. I've come to make it whole/complete. I tell you, not a jot (=letter) or a stroke of the Law what has been written will pass from it until everything that must happen, has happened.."

    Yesua was a Jew(plan of God for the salvation: the Messiah), lived as a Jew(learning Torah with Authority, celebrated ALL feasts ordainded by God Himself)Luke 4:16, taught and reasoned as a Jew (Rabbi), died as a Jew (Lamb of God: Passover), rose as a Jew (Luke 2:41-42. Therefor: the chrsitian who believes in THIS Yeshua should seek council of the Torah and The "New"Testament and from the Eternal One so that they know how to walk in HIs ways and statues and keep out ALL forms of Idolatry practice handed down by tradition of men. and remove ALL NON Scriptual feast such as easter, easter bunnies!!, christmas (tree and all!) sunday as the Sabbath, wich God clearly states that the Saterday is the Sabbath, valentine, Halloween. The Eternal One has ordianed the Biblical feasts for us to remember and appreciate His Redemption Plans and teaches us how to live a SET APART lifestyle according to the terms set by HIMSELF and not man's way...

    "He who says: I know Him (Yeshua) and does not keep His commandments, is a liar and the Truth is in him NOT in Him"John 2:4.

    I leave you with this last word: Romans 15:4: "For whatever was written in earlier times( the giving of the Torah by Moses!) was written for our INSTRUCTION, so that through percerverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope!"

    May the Eternal One grant you the True Faith!

    Warm regards, Cindy

  3. Lovely photos!
    Cute with the "love" text!

    Hugs Camilla
